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br Sensors for HF monitoring
Sensors for HF monitoring can be classified according to the technical instrumentation. Table 2 summarizes the sensors that have been used or proposed to monitor the events of HF. The paced QRS enables the determination of the QT duration. In addition, the QRS width, measured as the ventricular de
Elderly patients especially those in excess
Elderly patients, especially those in excess of 70 years of age, are often quite fragile; such fragility may be secondary to aging or comorbidity. In this “susceptible” patient population, the negative influence of ET-adverse events on patient adherence to a medication regimen can be elevated. This
br Introduction Percutaneous transcatheter device closure
Introduction Percutaneous transcatheter device closure of atrial septal defects (ASD) has become an effective alternative therapy to surgical repair in patients with secundum type ASD. Amplatzer ASD or ventricular septal defect (VSD) occluders were used for the closure of ASDs or VSDs, respective
The Cochrane review on exercise after lung resection
The Cochrane review on exercise after lung resection identified three randomized trials involving 178 participants. The meta-analysis found that exercise capacity was statistically greater in the exercise training group compared to the control group following lung resection for NSCLC. No between-gro
Introduction Verapamil sensitive idiopathic left ventricular
Introduction Verapamil-sensitive idiopathic left ventricular tachycardia (ILVT) has been shown to be a clinical entity of left-sided idiopathic ventricular tachycardia (VT) [1,2]. In electrophysiological studies, two specific local potentials, the diastolic Purkinje (Pd) potential and presystolic P
Igualmente podr a ampliarse su cr tica a
Igualmente, podría ampliarse su crítica Talabostat mesylate la modernidad occidental, entendida como proyecto civilizatorio orientado por la totalización de la racionalidad instrumental y el mito del progreso. La modernidad occidental no es sólo expresión de una racionalidad fetichizada. En tanto ca
Dihydromyricetin Frustratingly in the past years the world h
Frustratingly, in the past 40 years the world has added only two new drugs to the arsenal against tuberculosis, the second most deadly infectious disease on the planet. The statistics are infuriating: more than 9 million people developed tuberculosis in 2013, and an estimated 44% of those in countri
br Conflict of interest br Introduction Cardiac
Conflict of interest Introduction Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) has become an important treatment for the management of RG7227 failure (HF) patients with left ventricular (LV) systolic dysfunction and a ventricular conduction delay [1,2]. Multiple randomized studies have demonstrate
In this study the distribution of LPs was also
In this study, the distribution of LPs was also analyzed. Similar to previously published data, there was a tendency that vLPs were more frequently observed in patients with ICM than in patients with NICM. However, the total number of those abnormal ventricular electrograms was less documented than
br Conclusion The mm Jamshidi
Conclusion The 2mm Jamshidi is feasible, practical, and yields an adequate sample to assess bone structure and quality using microCT and histomorphometry in breast cancer patients. Additional samples are required to assess reproducibility, effect of bisphosphonates on bone quality and novel infor
br En relaci n con este ltimo tipo
En relación con este último tipo de poesía, la escéptica, Baldomero Sanín Cano publica el artículo emblemático de la crítica modernista “Núñez, poeta” en 1888 en La Sanción. En este sentido, el crítico colombiano, David Jiménez afirma que este artículo “contiene ya los planteamientos fundamentales
En el primer apartado presentamos las modificaciones que
En el primer apartado, presentamos las modificaciones que se produjeron en los lineamentos que proponen estos organismos para la política social de la región y buscaremos mostrar que ocurrió un desplazamiento de la cuestión social entendida como pobreza glp-2 su redefinición como desigualdad. En el
br Study limitations Although the number of CPVT
Study limitations Although the number of CPVT patients enrolled in the present study was small, we documented clearly discernible effects of flecainide on CPVT during exercise testing. The dose of flecainide was adjusted to increase it to the maximum tolerable dose without monitoring serum concen
br The indications for ICD placement for the secondary preve
The indications for ICD placement for the secondary prevention of sudden cardiac death Some patients with underlying flt3 inhibitor disease and/or LV dysfunction die from tachyarrhythmias even after ICD placement [18]. However, no arrhythmic deaths occurred during the implantation or during the
In the present study we found that
In the present study, we found that stathmin was significantly down-regulated upon treatment with a combination of Zol and gefitinib. The down-regulation of stathmin, which was not detected by 2-D DIGE after treatment with either agent alone, was considered to be attributable to cooperative effect o
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